

Spearheading psychological assessments for the maritime industry using modern techniques and methods. We have created a unique and precise concept for our clients when assessing personnel and crew.

  Psychological Assessment

Marine Profile Psychological Assessment constitutes the backbone of psychological assessments. It combines established scientific methods in order to hausarbeit schreiben lassen and qualitative analysis of a candidate’s competencies. This assessment is strongly recommended for new hires and promotion processes for senior positions, and also to establish developmental potentials.


Full day with Maritime Psychologist

Psychological tests, in-depth interviews and observations

Feedback to candidate

Written and verbal feedback to company

What we look at:

  • Safety Aspects

  • General Personality

  • Leadership Style

  • Development Potential

  Assessment System

The Marine Profile Assessment System is a digital platform that enables companies to streamline the seminararbeit ghostwriter process and help to make precise, effective  selections. The Assessment System is the product of years of psychometric research, and is specifically designed for the maritime sector by psychologists with extensive expertise in the maritime industry. Available for ghostwriter agentur in the system are psychometric tests that can be used separately or in conjunction with other methods, depending on the desired type of assessment.


Client portal

Developed for the Maritime Industry

Multilingual tests

Tests based on well established field research

Training/Certification required

The Online Platform

The psychometric tests or tools, made available through the online platform, are designed to shed light on areas or aspects that are associated with work performance. The tests cover domains such as personality, attitudes, intellectual capability, stress tolerance and so on. They are multilingual, and the norm groups (comparison groups) are comprised of seagoing personnel. Before being granted access to each tool, a test user in the company will have to undergo a certification process with training in psychometric test theory as well as interpretation of specific test results.

Domains and Psychometric tests

Intellectual Capacity
Stress Tolerance


MasterMap Personality Inventory is based on the Big Five theory of personality which describes a person from five distinct domains: Sociability, Service, Conscientiousness, Energy and Stability.
The tool also describes what kind of work-style and approach can be expected. It is designed for screening where comparison between candidates is necessary.
The target subjects are “ratings” and up to senior positions, deck/engine personnel, as well as service entry level positions. To be used in combination with the MasterMatrix and/or the Stress Coping Test.

Personality Inventory
(Big5 + Perception)Norm group
– Seagoing personnelRequire training and
certification by MP

Domains: Personality/Attitude/Perception

Applications: New Hire/Promotion

Departments: Deck/Technical/Hotel

Level or Position: Entry/Junior/Senior


MasterMatrix is a capacity test which measures general intelligence (the g-factor). This is an aspect which has a very strong connection with job performance in general. It is non-verbal and uses figures and symbols to determine logical reasoning, spatial ability and general problem-solving capability.

Recommended for use in combination with a personality tool such as MasterMap Personality Inventory.

Intelligence (g)-factor

Norm group
– Seagoing personnel

Require training and
certification by MP

Domains: Intellectual Capabilities

Applications: New Hires/Promotions

Departments: Deck/Technical/Hotel

Level or Position: Entry/Junior/Senior


ShipKap measures the capacity to resist and cope with stress. It is designed to identify emotionally unstable individuals and predict job success in occupations associated with high levels of stress. The target subjects are positions at all levels that require a certain amount of stress resilience.

Stress Coping Capacity

Norm group
– Seagoing personnel

Require training and
certification by MP

Domains: Aptitude, Stress, Multi-tasking

Applications: New Hire/Promotion

Departments: Deck/Technical/Hotel

Level or Position: Entry/Junior/Senior